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Who Should Manage Your Company's Website? IT vs Marketing!

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Here at ETech 7, we usually talk about IT stuff that might be beneficial to your business… But this week, we’re going down a different yet somehow similar route.


We’re talking about websites.





Websites are kind of a gray area when it comes to companies. Depending on your internal organization, websites generally fall under the marketing department. However, we disagree - your website should be a combined effort of both your marketing AND IT departments.


READ MORE: All You Need To Know About IT Security For Your Small Business


Why? Because there’s more to your website than just an interactive promotional flyer.


Nowadays, promoting your business’ website is essential and linear to the success of your venture. Having a strong web presence is crucial for every business in order to attract new clients and remain competitive. It’s true that no matter how genius your product/service is - as long as no one has heard about it it would NEVER become successful. Let ETech 7 walk you through the ins and outs of promoting your website with combined efforts from your marketing and IT teams!


Let's dive right in!







Search Engine Optimization

Optimizing your web pages for search engines (like Google!) is very essential as this is the only way you are going to generate quality traffic to your business website. If you are not SEO savvy, then you need to consider leaving your SEO needs with experts that will help you with this process. Leaving your SEO tasks in the hands of experts will certainly be very helpful because these experts have the right tools and techniques for effective business website marketing.


Marketing Team: Keyword research, SEO-friendly content development

IT Team: Domain setup, website audit (coding, tagging), monitoring and maintaining web pages


Email Marketing NYC

This is one of the most intimate and effective business website marketing strategies. By connecting with people who are already interested in your products, your marketing efforts will certainly pay off through direct sales. In addition, you can use email newsletters to introduce new products to already loyal customers. However, be sure to build an effective email list to avoid spamming people who are not interested in your products with promotional mails.


Marketing Team: Content, A/B tests, Determining the right segments

IT Team: Ensuring that emails and channels are secure


...and yes, that's a Tina Turner reference. 





social media marketing

Thanks to social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, you can easily connect to millions of potential customers from all over the world. The beauty of social media marketing is that your network of contacts can be virtually endless since you can build your network to as large as you wish. Better still, you can use your business’ social networking pages to provide updates about your products and services.


Marketing Team: Copywriting, A/B testing, Monitoring social analytics, Data management

IT Team: (Oversee/assist in) Data acquisition, integration, management


managed IT services nyc

People love free stuff. Thus, as part of your business website marketing, consider giving away freebies in the form of ebooks and software. In addition, consider joining forums in your industry in order to share your knowledge and expertise with the world. This way, you will establish yourself as an authority in your industry thus developing a strong brand online.


Marketing Team: Content development

IT Team: Brainstorm with the marketing team about different offers that the audience might enjoy - knowledge sharing goes a long way!


...don't be a Joey.





There are several ways of promoting your business online, and you need to start off by setting your daily goal list. Remember, business website marketing needs to be done on a daily basis. With diligence and focus, your efforts will no doubt pay off.


'Til next time!

Andro Yuson

Business Growth & Automation

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