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Google’s cloud summit: How Google is changing the way we utilize the Cloud

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Google has its hand in almost everything from smartphones to self-driving cars. With an already solidified web presence, it’s only right that Google would use its suite to help companies integrate all their inner business workings into their Cloud. New York City is one of many stops that Google is taking the cloud summit. They are holding summits all over the world from San Francisco to Paris. Google’s Cloud summit gives everyone the opportunity to explore new ideas, learn from industry experts, and engage with peers. The event brings together executives, customers, partners, developers, IT decision makers, and Google Engineers to build the future of the cloud. 


Google Cloud Summit 2017

Atendees meet with companies at the Google Cloud Summit 


Google Cloud summit attendees not only have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the

inner workings of Google's cloud platform, but are also granted access to a variety of educational keynotes. Along the way, attendees can interact with top notch businesses affiliated with Google- networkin, while sharing knowledge with one another. On the summit floor, Google employees stand by tables, demonstrating and showcasing the many facets of the Google Cloud platform.

Whether you are a business owner, partner, coder, or simply an IT enthusiast, there is always something new and exciting to learn at the Google Cloud Summit.


Google Cloud Platform + G Suite

Google’s Cloud Platform has a lot to offer its users. All of its components are meant to cover everything a business needs to run it’s backend efficiently. They offer Computing aids that help developers create apps, operate containers, and run servers. Additionslly, they build storage and provide data transfers, IoT, Machine Learning, Big Data, identity and security, management and developer tools. The Cloud summit’s primary focus was the Big Data and storage aspects of their Platform.

Google Data Services: DataFlow, Big Query, and DataPrep


Google Platform Data Services

Google Data Services booth

Google’s data services utilize server cloud data flow to the Cloud. Google’s Big Data helps with adequately managing data warehouses, batch exploration, Hadoop/Spark, and reliable messaging.

Using the services under the Big Data umbrella (i.e. DataFlow), allows fully managed data processing services. Dataflow is a unified programming model and a managed service for developing and executing a broad range of data processing patterns including ETL, batch computation, and continuous computation. Because of it’s easily automated services. Dataflow frees you from spending time on operational tasks like resource management and performance optimization. DataFlow connects to Google Big Query which can adequately manage petabyte scale -- low-cost enterprise data warehouse for analytics. Using Big Query can quickly scan TB and PB in minutes and load data from Google Cloud Storage to Google Cloud Datastore.

Google DataPrep, which is still in beta, uses its intelligence for visually exploring, cleaning, and preparing structured and unstructured data for analysis. Cloud DataPrep is serverless, so it works at any scale. Data preparation is so easy no code is needed. And the best part about Google’s Big Data is that all the services are not only fully compatible but even enhance one another’s services. DataPrep is the process of collecting, cleaning, and consolidating data into one file or data table, primarily for use in analysis.


Data Servies innerworkings

Google Data Servies innerworkings 


Google Cloud Spanner

Storage and Data work hand in hand. Having the perfect storage for your information is crucial to its safety. Google's Cloud Spanner is the world’s first fully managed relational database to offer both secure, consist, and horizontal scalability for mission-critical online transactional processing or OLTP applications. When using Google's Cloud Spanner, you can enjoy the traditional benefits of thousands of servers to handle the biggest transactional workloads. Cloud Spanner is built for high transaction workloads.


Google’s G Suite Jamboard

The newest addition to the Google Suite / Platform family is the Google Jamboard. This collaborative tool allows its users to share ideas, collaborate on projects, and much more. The Jamboard is not like other smart boards; it has up to 16 touch points so that there can be multiple users at once. It also has a conference call feature where either the board or the user can be seen. It’s synced with Google G suite to merge worlds of physical and digital creativity.

Google Cloud container builder

Google Cloud platforms help developers work faster. The Google Cloud Platform provides a collection of tools and libraries that help speed up back end developments and become more productive. Google’s container builder allows its users to build in a fast, consistent, and reliable environment on the Google cloud platform. Build in any language and package build artifacts into Docker containers for deployment. It has the function to allow you to integrate outside developer tools and delivery systems. The builds run an infrastructure protected by Google's security.

Companies utilize these components to organize their businesses operations. These tools boost productivity through a cloud powered system. By integrating Cloud communication systems with how they use the G Suite. Companies gain a robust solution that merges all business communications into one productive cloud. G Suite and Google Platform is a great hub for inter business communication, bringing a new meaning to productivity and organization.


Companies Agosto and RingCentral attended the summit to share how they utilize the cloud in their business practices.


RingCentral wants to help you connect, collaborate, and communicate efficiently. As an award-winning global provider of cloud unified communications and collaboration solutions. RingCentral provides solutions that empower today’s mobile and distributed workforces to be connected anywhere and on any device through voice, video, team messaging, collaboration, SMS, conferencing, online meetings, contact center, and fax. An open platform that seamlessly integrates directly with the G Suite provides their customers an array of features.
Using RingCentral together with Google, allows users to Automatically save voice recordings, text messages, voicemails, and faxes to Google drive. This power couple also lets users import files from google drive, host up to one thousand audio participants to any Google Hangout with an installed plug-in, integrate Google contacts, and so much more. RingCentral is a great feature that improves the lives of anyone who makes a lot of conference calls.


Award winning Google partner Agosto is a cloud product development company. Agosto helps organizations bring products to the market more quickly. With a strong focus on IoT, Agosto is committed to providing Google enterprise services. Through their partnership with Google, they built a digital signage solution system called SkyKit. SkyKit benefits business by creating an end-to-end Google-based digital sign. Digital signs bring its user's marketing to screens everywhere. Digital signage is a sub segment of signage. Digital displays use technologies such as LCD, LED and Projection to display content such as digital images, video, streaming media, web pages, weather data, or text. This sign is designed for infinite scale for enterprises.


Companies like these bring together enterprise and ease for businesses of all kinds. 


Google Keynote speaker Google Summit Keynote speaker 


The Google cloud summit is an informative and eye-opening event. With their expertly crafted G Suite and cloud systems, Google might just be the company to dominate the Cloud, Big Data, and IoT industry.

Taylor Carty

Business Growth & Automation

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