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ETech 7 New York

Kathryn Fallah

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Hacking, and Viruses, and Data Breaches- Oh My! How to Guarantee Security and Protect your Information from Malware and Cyber Crime

Ah, the Internet. One of the most influential parts of our lives. There is so much good the Internet has done for us- connected us to friends, made information fast and free, gave us a way to watch Netflix - the list goes on and on. However, alongside the benefits of the Internet...

IT: Why it is Important to Businesses, and How it is Influencing our Lives Everyday

Information technology is taking over. Well, not in a threatening way like that sentence sounded, but still, it is becoming an inevitable part of today's world. Back when the Internet was rising in popularity, and a majority of cellphones were the flip ones, businesses didn’t hav...

The Growth of Managed Service Providers: Why are they Necessary?

The managed service provider industry has steadily been growing, and according to Statista, will continue to grow in the next several years. In 2019, the market is worth 193 billion dollars and is estimated to be worth 296 billion by 2023. As businesses rely on technology more he...

10 Reasons to Hire a Managed IT Service Provider

Managed IT service providers such as NYC IT Consulting have been growing in popularity in the past couple of years and will continue to grow in years to come. The success of managed services has been outstanding as shown by Statistica: in 2019, the market is estimated to be worth...

Using Social Media to Grow your Business? Look no Further!

Starting up your own business is an exciting occasion; however, it can seem difficult to grow a following when you are self-made. This isn’t to say that you won’t make it- some of the most successful companies started with one person and their idea. Building from the ground up ta...

The Benefit of Managed IT Services when you have IT Staff

When maintaining a successful business, it is imperative that you keep your technological systems running smoothly. You may already have an IT staff that deals with breakdowns, however, as your business grows these issues could become too wide scale to handle. In this position...

Business Growth & Automation

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