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ETech 7 New York

Marnie Rubenstein

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Decisions, decisions…

The Most Common IT Vulnerabilities

It’s hard to think about vulnerability – and no, we don’t mean your personal ones. IT vulnerability can put your business at risk, and not surprisingly, there are business owners out there that want to sweep their IT problems under a rug.

How To Keep Your Passwords Safe

Let’s set the scene. You’re logging in to your company’s website, when you get an ominous message –


Annoyed, you dutifully change your pa...

The Top Reasons A Business Should Be Using Managed IT Services

Plenty of business owners start out managing their IT needs on their own, which is fine when your business has just one employee! As your business grows, you’ll probably find that the IT tasks you need to do become more complicated and more time-consuming. If you want your busi...

How Networks Work For Your Business

If you’re growing your business, you might have realized that your current one computer, one printer setup just won’t cut it any more. If you add on additional devices, like servers, printers, or computers, you’ll need a way to get them to function in sync with each other. In thi...

How High Is Your High Availability?

What is high availability? High availability is an aspect of system design that ensures your network is running when you need it to. Networks, and the computers that make up the networks, have many components that all need to be working in order to be “available”. If one of these...

How to Create the Perfect Mobile Office

You’ve spent hours researching the perfect office set up. Your printers are always topped up with toner, your network is blazing fast, and your desks smell of rich mahogany. But sometimes, you find yourself on the road, away from your office. Whether you’re meeting with prospecti...

Mirror Imaging: What it is, and why you may need it

When it comes to backing up your data, you have a lot of options. If you ask the average person what they do if they want to back up their files, they might drag and drop a few folders to a USB thumb drive. In some instances, they might have a dedicated external hard drive that ...

What to Do if You Think Your Computer Has a Virus

If you think your computer has been infected with a virus or malware, it’s time to take action. But first, you need to make sure that your computer’s security is actually compromised, and not running incorrectly for other reasons. Here are just a few of the most common things you...

How Virtual Servers Can be Better Than the Real Thing

We come into contact with servers nearly every day when we go online, but what about using servers to power your business? If you have more than a handful of employees, it probably makes sense to look into getting a server. “But wait,” you might say, “I don’t want to invest in an...

Business Growth & Automation

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